Baroque Doujins

This is my scanned collection of Baroque doujins aside from THORES Shibamoto's, which gets its own page here.


By P2 Detective Club. Woohoo! My first fully scanned doujin! I'm an amateur so sorry about the quality. I know cast shadows are irksome for some people but :p I don't really have the time right now to do cleanups. Hopefully it's not too bad... The doujins by this circle are pretty cute. I like the little chibified Koriel... Here's the link for the full download, for anyone interested.


Published by LIBIDO in 1999. I'm not actually sure if that's the title. I'm pretty sure it's just the name of the people involved, but I can't read the front so I'm just leaving that as the substitute title. Anyways, it's another comedy doujin. I'm surprised with the amount of comedy doujins Baroque gets despite being such a grim game. Well, I guess the game does have it's funny moments though, like with Archangel's dialogue. Yes... I actually do want to sing a duet with you!!! Please...?

On another note, if you'd like to read this one in full, you can find it here.


By Hayami Akira/VANISH TOKYO. Released December 24, 1999. You can actually read it on their website as well.

Download here.

Shinshu Ueda 1999 Calendar + Folder

Apparently it was sold at Comiket in 1999. Six pages, produced before she worked on the Baroque manga. I've also included a scan of the A4 clear folder that was included with each publication of Monthly Enix in which they would give out 3 file folders, one of them including Baroque. Unfortunately this scan has sort of a blueish tint, its much warmer in real life. But admittedly, I just don't feel like rescanning it right now... You'll have to forgive me...

Download here.


Illustrated by Shinshu Ueda, published under the circle USO. Released 2002/08/10. 32 pages



Illustrated by Shinshu Ueda, published under the circle USO. Includes Gunparade March and a Baroque/Pikmin crossover (Baromin ^^). Also has a doodle of DMC1 Dante, which is really cool to see in her style.



Illustrated by Shinshu Ueda, published under the circle USO. Split between Persona 1 and Baroque. It also has a few doodles of other IPs including Maken X! For once, I attempted to do cleanup and stuff albeit very hastily with not a lot of time put into it. So yeah, it should look a little nicer than the other scans but there still might be some stuff I missed.


Illustrated by M. Mukuizawa, published by CLOWN/M2BRAND. Released 2001. 165 pages. Contains the works "Tuscarora," "Spell bound," "Broken Hallelujah," "Karakago," "Iscariot," and "Walpurgis Nacht."
